BBR Mk2 Mazda 3 / 6 MPS Phase One ‘290’
(2.3-litre DSi Turbo Engine models only) +34bhp & 50lb.ft

The entry level BBR upgrade transforms the performance and driveability of the Mazda 3’s 2.3 DSI turbo engine via an ECU remap. BBR’s StarChip software affords an extremely linear throttle pedal / turbo boost map, resulting in a considerably smoother driving experience than offered by the factory ECU settings. With a huge improvement in throttle response, the mid range torque and peak horsepower are substantially enhanced, with no visibly obvious mechanical changes. Impressively, careful analysis by BBR of the DSI turbo engine’s air / fuel ratio has enabled significant reductions in the Mazda MPS’s fuel consumption while cruising.
Key components of the BBR Mk2 Mazda 3 / 6 MPS Phase One ‘290’ Conversion include:-
- Custom Mapped BBR Star Chip – With careful calibration of the standard Mazda ECU, fuel, ignition, torque, airflow and boost requirements are carefully re-mapped for all conditions, making this conversion a worthy level one addition to our range. BBR is confident that this ECU remap represents the finest blend of drivable performance for track and road.

The Mazda 3 MPS’s BBR Starchip can also be tailored to suit client’s driving requirements. For example, torque limits in lower gears can be reduced or removed and with the soon to be released DIY BBR Starchip package clients will have access to user programmable valet mode, high economy and track day maps.
Dyno testing by BBR has proven that the Phase One ‘290’ conversion produces a sensational 290 bhp at just 5200 rpm, boosting the Mazda 2.3 DSI’s engine power by a massive 34 bhp, with gains throughout the rev range from 3000 rpm right to the 6600 rpm limiter.
Similarly, the Mazda’s torque output is transformed, with over 300 lb.ft of torque available from just 2850 rpm through to 5100 rpm, with a peak output of 330 lb.ft (compared with 280 lb.ft as standard.) The BBR converted Mazda’s 3 MPS’s torque characteristics consequently deliver sensational in-gear and overtaking performance, enabling the car to trouble much more expensive machinery, both on the road and the track.
BBR MPS Phase One Power 290 bhp @ 5200RPM
BBR MPS Phase One Torque 330 ft/lbs @ 4150RPM

BBR Mk2 Mazda 3 MPS Performance Spring set
In order to compliment BBR’s range of engine upgrades for the Mk2 3 MPS, BBR has developed its own suspension upgrades designed to improve the Mazda’s chassis dynamics both on road and track. Careful development and testing by BBR has resulted in a set of performance springs which are designed to work with the car’s existing standard dampers, or BBR’s adjustable dampers for a more comfortable ride, whilst gently lowering the Mazda MPS ride height.
DIY Price £195.00, fitting charge £395.00, including a full geometry setup.
BBR Mk2 Mazda 3 MPS Specification Koni adjustable dampers
BBR has found that many of its Mazda MPS clients have reported the rough and bumpy ride on the Mazda MPS is far from enjoyable on longer journeys and compromises handling in many fast road situations. BBR’s solution is to install a set of adjustable BBR spec Koni dampers that are compatible with either the standard MPS springs or BBR’s own performance spring set.
DIY Price £795.00, fitting charge £300.00, including full geometry setup.
Prices exclude VAT.